National AIDS Control Program: SBCC for HIV
Capacity building for NACO Consultants and HIV IEC Officers across 9 states and an action plan for HIV Communication and sensitization was prepared as the output of the training.
UNICEF: SBCC for Diarrhea and Pneumonia
A kit for the Intensified Diarrhea Control Fortnight was prepared for rolling out IDCF interventions in the states before the onset of monsoon. Based on the field research for Pneumonia, a communication kit to train ASHA/ANM and other frontline workers was prepared.
Civil Society Alliance for Child Rights in South Asia
High-Level Communication Strategy Workshop for South Asian partners in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and India.
Adventist Development & Relief Agency ADRA: State-level ToTs for Axshya Project
State-level TOTs on Soft Skills for front-line staff under Axshya Project of World Vision aimed at TB Eradication under the revised national TB control program of the Government of India.
Pan India for Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India:
Systems Strengthening: ACSM skills and strategy for State and District level TB Officers
Workshops were organized to improve the skills of advocacy, communication, and social mobilization. Six regional level workshops followed by a national level workshop were conducted covering 350 participants. Each workshop would support in strategizing the action plan for TB communication at the State and District level.
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, India:
Red Ribbon Express Strategizing the Communication for RRE: Workshop with Zonal and Regional Directors of NYKS.
State Training & Resource Centre, Delhi
Design and organization of workshops for TI Partners. Several workshops held for TI Programme Managers on Programme Management, Advocacy and Networking, and Communication.
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, India – Training for NGOs on HIV/AIDS prevention and behavior change communication.
Uttarakhand, Himachal, Chandigarh State AIDS Societies – Skill-building workshops for TI staff on Programme Management and Communication Skills.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences & UNICEF, India – ToT for field-level workers:
Design and delivery of TOT for field level (ASHA, ANM) Soft Skills training on Home Based Postnatal Care project in Dist Faridabad, Haryana.
UNICEF & MoHFW (UP) – IPC Skills training and field handholding for Frontline Functionaries in Health and ICDS:
Preparation of training manuals, selection and training of trainers, field training of 4800+ staff in 3 districts of UP, supporting field communication during RI/THR day, monitoring and grading of trainers.
FHI360: ToMT on SBCC:
Capacity building workshop for Master Trainers on Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) in collaboration with the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NIHFW and USAID Improving Health Behaviours Program (IHBP) for FHI360.
UNICEF ICO BRIDGE: Boosting Routine Immunization Demand Generation
Frontline functionaries within the health system, primarily the ANM and ASHA, supported by the AWW from the ICDS program – jointly known as the 3As – are recognized to form the most critical resource to achieve the Routine Immunization (RI) goal of reduced vaccine hesitancy and increased coverage. They are an essential bridge between the health delivery system and the community. In RI, the ANM plays the dual role of being a vaccinator and as a primary counselor to caregivers. The ASHA serves as the first point of contact for the community seeking information and knowledge related to RI, especially in rural areas. The AWW ensures all mothers (including pregnant women) and children in the village visiting the Anganwadi center receive the specified services related to health and nutrition, including RI counseling. All 3As also collaborate for the monthly Village Health and Nutrition Day (VHND) in which RI is a key service. The BRIDGE Course was designed and implemented by eNVisions Institute of Development in two phases throughout India covering 9 lac plus frontline workers.
NGO alliance: State and District Level ToT for field health and nutrition workers:
State and district level ToT for field health and nutrition. Module development workshop at state level followed by District workshops.
Piramal foundation- ToT on supportive supervision
Training content developed and facilitated the training of trainers on supportive supervision.